
He was  the Doctor who thought he didn’t deserve this tittle but we all know that it’s not true. John Hurt you’ve been an iconic Doctor and we will always remember you either as Ollivander, the War Doctor or someone else. Rest in peace.


What the next Doctor should be/Que devrait être le prochain Doctor

Happy left-handed day everyone!!

Today I’m telling you what particularity the next Doctor should have. I’m sure that with the first sentence of this post you already know the answer…

To me, it’s about time for the Doctor to be left-handed. Indeed statistics say that there is between 10% and 15% of the world population that is left-handed so let’s say it is 13% of each country’s population.

Now let’s have a look to the Doctors’ handedness : they’rd all right-handed except Seven that is ambidextrous!!! So out of 14 (13 if you don’t count the War Doctor as a proper Doctor) none is left-handed which is against statistics.

So give us our left-handed Doctor! 

Joyeuse journée des gauchers!

Aujourd’hui, je vous explique ce que devrait être la particularité du prochain Doctor. Je suis sûre que vous avez déjà dû deviner au vu de la première phrase de ce post…

Pour moi, il est plus que temps que le Doctor soit gaucher. En effet, il y a statistiquement entre 10% et 15% de gaucher dans le monde soit environ 13% dans chaque pays.

Maintenant, penchons nous sur les Doctors : ils sont tous droitiers sauf Sept qui est ambidextre!!! Donc sur 14 Doctors (ou 13 si on ne compte pas le War Doctor comme étant un Doctor à part entière) aucun n’est gaucher ce qui défie les statistiques.

Donnez-nous notre Doctor gaucher!

Why the new Companion should be a Kid

Hi!! Today I’ll tell why I think the new companion of Twelve should be a Child.

1 Contact : 


Twelve (as seen in my post My Favorite (New) Doctor Who episodes) is very good with Children. Sure first times he finds them annoying and noisy, but he knows how to care about them. He is a total GrandPa. He thinks about children as human beings maybe even more than Clara. He knows they can think, have opinions and ideas to save the situation.

2 Different : 


It would be different from what has been done so far in the new series (and maybe in the entire show). I mean a child that would be around 8 or 10. That would add some possibilities for the kids watching the show to identify themselves to a character in the show and not just liking or disliking the characters. They could totally be integrated in the show and not just be spectatoring it.

3 Kids find everything wonderful :


That’s true. If you’re looking at some kind of big rock for example, you’ll see it as what it is : a big rock. The Kid will see it as a place he/she could climb on and be the King of an imaginary Kingdom he/she would has built/invented. Or it would be a bed dragon to fight. Or anything else from their imagination. And if they look at the sky, the starry sky, they’ll be amazed by all those stars and wondering if there’s life out there and how it looks like. And they will dream of what they could find here. That’s why a kid is the perfect candicates for travelling with the Doctor.

Do you agree?

My Favorite (New) Doctor Who episodes

Hi!!! I’m sorry, I’m really having trouble posting on this blog.

Today, I’ll share with you my list of my favorite episodes.

Series 1 starring Christopher Ecclestone (Nine) and Billie Piper (Rose Tyler)

episode 6 : Dalek : I love how in this episode, The Doctor is so merciless and how the Daleks are made humans.

episode 8 : Father’s Day : What would you do if you could travel in time and never knew your daddy because he died to soon? Personnaly, I’m not sure I could stand to let it go and let it happen the way it happened…

episode 9/10 : The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances : “Are you my mummy?” And of course introduction to Captain Jack Harkness!

Series 2 starring David Tennant (Ten) and Billie Piper (Rose Tyler)

Christmas special : The Christmas Invasion : How we meet the next Doctor and see Rose dealing poorly with it. Seeing the Doctor beeing totally pissed off by Harriet Jones act of destroying the aliens and then being totally destroyed by him. Poor Harriet

Episode 3 : School Reunion : How Rose is no longer the only one understanding what it is to be with the Doctor and having Sarah Jane to share it. How Ten is so annoyed of that.

Episode 4 : The Girl in the Fireplace : Deal with French History!! Plus the Doctor being heartbroken being too late to see Reinette before she dies.

Christmas special : The Runaway Bride : I like how this is a defining moment both for the Doctor and for Donna. How it defines their entire relationship next.

Series 3 starring David Tennant (Ten) and Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones)

Episode 1 : Smith and Jones : The best meeting ever!

Episode 8/9 : Human Nature/The Family of Blood : So heartbreaking both for Martha and Ten! Human Ten falling in love, living as a human, being /acting as a human and then having to give up on those things that he enjoyed so much and leave and Martha loving the Doctor so much and not being able to and then having to be the “bad guy” and taking him away from his happiness. Such the first draft for her leaving at the end of the series.

Episode 11/12/13 : Utopia/The sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords : These episodes are just the reason why I think people are so unfair with Martha : she and her family endured sooooo much and she knows that she will never share any life with him. But she is still the one that has the biggest faith in him and manages to save his life. Martha proved here that she’s been his most badass companion. The moment when Ten is so old that he doesn’t even looks like a human/Time Lord anymore was so heartbraking to me.

Series 4 starring David Tennant (Ten) and Catherine Tate (Donna Noble)

Episode 1 : Partners in Crime : This episode define the duet Ten/Donna. That’s a very funny one.

Episode 2 : The Fires of Pompeii : Just a little bit more into some darkness of the Doctor and Donna here to prevent him from turning totally dark.

Episode 4/5 : The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky : Martha is back!!!! That make this episode close to School Reunion. But Donna is way more funny than Rose and Martha way more badass than Sarah Jane. Plus meeting the Potatoes aliens!!

Episode 8/9 : Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead : First true creepy episodes (thanks to Steven Moffat)* Everything in this episode is heartbreaking from River and her death to Donna’s perfect life in CAL. This is the episode where you see the first companion to truly understand the Doctor : When Donna says she is alright too, meaning not alright at all. It’s also an episode where you think “oh my God! Donna will never be happy with her true love!!!”

Episode 10 : Midnight : The broken Doctor…

Episode 11 : Turn Left : How Donna is the most important people in the world and doesn’t even feel like it. How she is so convince to be no one with a miserable life and end up with a way more miserable life.

Episode 12/13 : The Stolen Earth/The Journey’s End : Epic episode. So much action. Rose showing her badass side, and beeing so miserable to left alone + the amazing, epic reunion of Rose and Ten. Captain Jack’s return. The Dalek’s end. The most heartbreaking goodbye so far. Donna was meant to be with the Doctor forever and he has to abandon her, the wipe him out of her memory to preserve her from death.

Specials starring David Tennant (Ten)

Episode 3 : The Waters of Mars : In this episode, you truly understand that beeing the Last of the Time Lords is really heavy on his shoulders. That plus leaving Donna not remembering him is what causes his last days. The Time Lord Victorious’s Speech is so powerful. It comes from a man who has lost more than he can bear, more than he can live with and that makes it one of the most powerful episodes of David’s era.

Episode 4/5 : The End of Time : This double episode with Wilfried for companion is just the perfect symbol. This was an entirely heartbreaking episode. Ten is happy not to be the laste of the Time Lord (not counting the Master) but he knows that, in order to save his beloved Earth, he has to kill them all. Then, you hear the Four Knocks and you’re crying as hard as he is as he saves Wilfried and you’re sobbing to the end and beyond. I had to stop here before watching Matt Smith’s era. I couldn’t let go on Ten. He has been my favorite Doctor for a long time. (I then watch th Day of the Doctor… just to keep seeing David)

Series 5 starring Matt Smith (Eleven), Karen Gillan (Amelia (Amy) Pond) and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams)

Episode 1 : The Eleventh Hour : I loved this episode but not as much as I could have. I explain myself : I was so happy of this funny Doctor to travel with a kid. Still an epic defining episode.

Episode 2 : The Beast Below : How Amy became his Donna. She understood him perfectly while he wasn’t at all understanding her.

Episode 4 & 5 : The Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone : River is back and she meets Amy. The Doctor becomming back a formidable strategist. Paradoxe.

Episode 10 : Vincent and the Doctor : Beatiful and heartbreaking episode about a tortured man.

Episode 11 : The Lodger : I love the crew Doctor/Craig.

Episode 12/13 : The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang : Epic ending. Little Amy back. The Doctor sacrifiying himself to save the universe.

Series 6 starring Matt Smith (Eleven), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond), Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) and Alex Kingstone (River Song)

Episode 1/2 : The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon : River song’s arc. Meeting the Silence.

Episode 4 : The Doctor’s Wife : The TARDIS personalized as a crazy woman what can we ask for more?

Episode 7 : A good Man Goes to War : Another epic Eleven. Discovering who River Song is. Heartbreaking : we want to know who the girl from the forest is.

Episode 8 : Let’s Kill Hitler : Funny how they just locked up Hitler in a Closet. Mels/River killing the Doctor. The Doctor still loving her. Amy and Rory quite horrified by that and Amy trying and succeding to change her. The regeneration of Mels into River is epic and funny.

Episode 10 : The Girl Who Waited : Putting Amy waiting to a all new level and giving Rory the Impossible Choice. What I like in this episode is seeing how Amy lost faith in the Doctor and Rory with time. That’s horrible because it means that she is not that strong, she lost her child’s mind, she lost little Amy.

Episode 12 : Closing Time : Craig returns and had the most funny and wonderful Baby “Stormaggedon Dark Lord of All”. Cybermen are back and try to turn Craig but he manage to change that because of Gary’s Cry. I love the “I speak Baby you know” stuff and the pin with “The Doctor” written on it. I wish we’d seen more Craig. He should have been the true companion of the Eleventh Doctor because they truly match.

Episode 13 : The Wedding of River Song : Everything id great in this episode. From the “-We should have a drink someday. -OK. -We should also marry. -Okay.” stuff to the “I can’t let you die without knowing that you are loved by anyone more than me!” stuff. I cried a lot at that time of the episode.

Christmas special : The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe : First thing µIµ loved : the Narnia reference in the title. Then it was a story full of hope with an amazing happy ending. Love the two kids : the reckless little brother and the clever older sister. I really think Eleven should had a kid companion to travel with him. One that would have been clever ans somehow more adult than him. It would have created a cool contrast.

Series 7a starring Matt Smith (Eleven), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams)

Episode 1 : Asylum of the Daleks : This episode made me feel compassionate about those Daleks. They’re hidden from everyone because they are insane in Daleks term. In addition to that, Oswin Oswald (Clara) Dalek is heartbreaking. I also like how it is the reunion of Amy and Rory, because if those two don’t like each other anymore, you become hopeless about love.

Episode 2 : Dinosaurs on a Spaceship : I love how this episode is bringing Rory’s Father Ian in an adventure. That’s a bit like when we had Jackie travelling with Rose and the Doctor but Ian is more quiet and less annoying than Jackie. I love how, after the adventure, he pushes Amy and Rory to go back with Eleven because he had seen that they’re truly happy only when they’re travelling with him.

Episode 4 : The Power of Three : What is interresting in this episode is seeing how the Doctor can’t live like anyone else! The devotion Ian puts into the task the Doctor gave him is amazing too.

Episode 5: The Angels Take Manhattan : Heartbreaking for everything. The love River has for the Doctor, Rory sacrificing him again, Amy abadonning the Doctor which destroys him making him darker as he has been before when he was Nine and Ten.

Series 7b starring Matt Smith (Eleven) and Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald)

Christmas special : The Snowmen : creepy and fun and heartbreaking.

Episode 7 : The Rings of Akhaten : Beatiful song. Clara is being the one saving the world but most of all saving the Doctor. She understood Merry Geleh and try to help her feel better. That’s who Clara is : the one who wants people feel better.

Episode 10 : Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS : The secrets of the TARDIS and therefore of the DOCTOR. Some technical terms for new Whovians

Episode 12 : Nightmare in Silver : The most amazing theme park attacking by Cybermen. Kids again. A king very little who fancies Clara. The Doctor beating himself at his own game. Love it.

Episode 13 : The Name of the Doctor : Who is Clara? Links with Oswin Oswald and victorian Clara… She gave her life for him.

50th AnniversaryThe Day of The Doctor starring David Tennant (Ten), Matt Smith (Eleven), Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald), John Hurt (War Doctor) and Billie Piper (The Moment) : Considering that I watched this movie right after the last episode of David as the Doctor (after all his “I’m the Last of the Time Lords I can do whatever I want and change History of the Universe” thing) I hated Eleven because he wasn’t enough dark and I hated Clara because she pushed them to change Time. But, this movie is one I love because of Osgood and because of the story. And also because of David… That explains the defining moment of the Doctor the one that made him who he was, who he is and who he will be.

Christmas special : The Time of the Doctor : Heartbreaking because Eleven tried to let Clara out of this. He didn’t understood that he will hurt her a lot by doing this and not protect her at all. THeir reunion with an old Eleven is beatiful. She is mad at him because of what he has done but she also can’t because he is dying and she doesn’t want him to die. She really saved him because she asked for him to have more time.

Series 8 starring Peter Capaldi (Twelve) and Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald)

Episode 1 : Dep Breath : The crisis of a men who doesn’t really know who he is and his companion who is really troubled that he is so different from the man she’s always known. I hated the fact that Clara did not better than Rose because I loved her more and she was so different from her.

Episode 2 : Into the Dalek : Again, another Dalek being human and the Doctor, contrary to the first time (Nine), trying to let him be as human as a Dalek can be. That is the amazing influence of Clara on the Doctor.

Episode 3 : Robot of Sherwood : Hello Robin Hood!! How the Doctor might look old but can act as a child. Badass Clara.

Episode 4 : Listen : I love the idea to make Clara responsible for the fear the Doctor has of the Dark. And how she preserves him by not telling him where they last landed.

Episode 5 : Time Heist : I like how everything in this episode doesn’t like it is.

Episode 6 : The Caretaker : I like that the Doctor tries to understand Clara’s life by settling down to work in her school. That’s the beggining of that Doctor is amazing with kids because they annay him quite a lot. And Clara’s love interest too…

Episode 7 : Kill the Moon : Beatiful story. Again, he is amazing with kids (here teens). Courtney who thinks she is no one. I’m sure she reminded him Donna who has been the most important woman in the universe. So that may be why he tries to show her she IS important.

Episode 10 : In the Forest of the Night : My favorite of all this series. I like how he acts with Maebh. How he turned those kids into a team.

Episode 11/12 : Dark Water/Death in Heaven : Hello Missy!! I like how tortured Clara is in this episode. So tortured that she betrayed her best friend to save the love of her life. I also love how the Brig finally got his salute.

Christmas special : Last Christmas : I love how this episode is a reference to Inception. You don’t know if at the end of the episode you’re really back in the reality or if this is still a dream. I like tortured Doctor.

Series 9 starring Peter Capaldi (Twelve) and Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald)

I love them all, from the first to the twelfth. That the Doctor turning darker and darker. Clara trying to save him again, and saving the world. Dilemmas for the Doctor and dilemmas for Clara. The guilt for making Davros and turning Time so he can add “Mercy” to Daleks. Almost killing Clara thanks to Missy was terribly heartbreaking because it was the begginning of the series and he was close to kill her and I didn’t wanted her to go. Then Osgood back, Zygon crisis and this speech about war very welcome by those days. And Face the Raven. I needed time to recover before watching the end of the series (kind of weeks…) because I loved Clara. From “I hate her, she is making him changing Time which will lead him to big bad consenquences” to “No! You can’t kill her!! It’ll kill the Doctor!!”. But then something even more terrible happen,ed because the Doctor not eing able to remember Clara is cruel and the saddest tyhing ever!! He has been through so many time and hardship to get her back thet it was really unfair for both of them.


Well, that’s a very long post. I hope you’ll share your favorite episodes too.


*To me, Blink wasn’t that creepy. I mean yes it was a little scary but nat that much.


Foggy Death (1)

Darkness, No one, no sound. I’m running through the alley. I don’t know where I am. I just know I’ve to run as far and as fast as I can. I can feel his presence behind me. All around is a thick fog. But I know it isn’t an ordinary fog. I can smell death pouring out of it. I’m not running fast enough, he is getting closer. Every step I make to escape him is just another step he does to catch me. I can almost feel his long fingers catching me. I can see the end of the alley. Only few more steps and I’ll be OK, I know it. I know I can do it. I’m so close…  NO! Death is all around now. I’m not running fast enough. I’m so tired of running away, I’m doing it for such a long time. I want to stop.

I feel his hands on my left shoulder. I think about my sister who has been through so much things already. Will she be alright? The cold touch of a cylindrical device stops my reflexion as it hits my head. I feel myself falling slowly, so slowly on the ground. Lying here, I’m feeling a sticky fluid flowing out of the back of my head. Life is flowing out of me through this fluid. I suddenly feel exhausted. All I want is this to stop. Slowly, I feel my eyes closing themselves as my mind stop having thoughts. Everything goes blank.


“Gwen!Come over here!”

A tall man wearing a long coat is rushing to a body lying down the alley. The worried look his eyes are wearing is not good. Quickly, a woman joins him. She is smaller, with long brown hair and a black leather jacket.

“Oh my God, Jack!”

“We need to know what happened Gwen!”

“Is she really dead, Jack? Did You check?”

The man comes closer to the body. He squats near to it. Then, he puts his finger on the neck of the lying woman. His fingers are cold. Not surprising considering it is winter since a few weeks already. Wait a minute… How do I know that his fingers are cold? I can feel it. How can I feel that?! No… No, it can’t be! That can’t be me lying down here! The two people in the alley, Gwen and Jack as they called each other, they look like they know me. Is that possible? I don’t recognize them.

“There’s a tiny heart beat, Gwen! Call an ambulance!”

They seem to not notice me standing at a side of the alley. Am I a ghost? But he said I was alive. So what’s going on?! I can feel my throat knoting itself and starting to hurt. My eyes are starting to be wet by warm delicately salty tears. I can feel the drops of tears flowing down my face from my eyes to my cheek and then to each my mouth and my neck, tickling it. I have to calm myself down and think. I move my hand to my face, to wipe it. Then, I’m ready to start thinking. First thing I have to do is remembering who I am. But I have to do it by not letting this lying body alone. If it’s my body, I need to keep an eye on it. Maybe I will learn about me by staying around Gwen and Jack. They seem to know me quite well. Gwen, the woman, looks affected by me lying down here. And Jack, the man, looks quite preoccupied. I really need to find out what is happening to me.

Thoughts on the perfect Doctor/Companion matches

Here is my list of the perfect doctor companion matches and the reasons why I thinks so.

Nine and Rose

Rose is definetely Nine’s companion (I mean and not Ten’s :)). First of all, all the relationship between the two have been built during this time. She got used to him. She fell in love with him. Just looking at her reaction when the Doctor regenerates makes it obvious. The two of them had the same way of thinking and so it was often a lot of unspoken talks. they didn’t need to talk to communicate to know what to do. And it’s not just because he made her discover wonders. You see, when Nine takes all the time-vortex energy from Rose, he protects her but he also know he’s gonna leave her forever because he knows what regeneration means. He hopes that he will still apreciate her but if he actually does, it’s because it may have been his main thought-Rose-while regenerating. And just the way she accepts to follow him in “Rose” shows this perfect match. The shame for Nine has bee that he didn’t have time to develop this relationship so he bought himself more time (reason why Ten loves Rose mor showingly than Nine) Just so he can do what he didn’t have time to do.


Ten’s perfect match is obviously Donna. Indeed, He had a huge impact on her (see “The Runaway Bride” and then “Partners in Crime” ) and she is a key point of his life (see “Turn Left”). The two of them are so partners in crime! that’s even more funny than Eleven’s akwardness. She is the one that will totally ruined him. See in “The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End”, he is so destroyed to remove all her perfect and precious memories… that he later messed up with time (or at least try…). She is the one who totally made him becoming compassionate again. what the War has erased, she has been the one to put it back to him. Maybe this particular relationship had been possible “thanks” to Donna’s Mum who has always made Donna felt as a failure. The Doctor noticed that and then he wanted to show her how amazing she was. In fact she was just the same as him but he would never admit it. Indeed, he feels as he is a bad person but all we see about him is the good man and Donna is the perfect example of that.

Obviously, you will think that I just got one choice for Twelve (as it was for Nine). But remember that I will explain you the reasons why this choice is justified.


So Eleven’s companion is obviously Amy. She chose him! I mean just their meeting and the fact she totally believed in him the entire time he’s been not far. I’m sure that secretly he has com to visit them. Eleven is definitely a kid and, as any kid, he needs a family. But Amy-and Rory- are not just his family, they are the one he could’ve seen him live forever in the TARDIS. Just as a reminder that’s the only companions we heard explicitely having a room (again this is about New Doctor Who…). It’s a double sided relationship of that kind. Indeed, Amy is profoundly devoted to his “Raggedy Man”. And the whole “I’m in fact in love with your daughter but none of us noticed it in the propper order” stuff is just part of that particular relationship. To emphasize this, just look at who he thought while “dying”, who was “there”. It was Amy, he’s seen Amy. He left this life happy with a last meeting with Amy, with the pleasant idea to meet up with her. Plus the whole “oups I’m sorry I didn’t mean to spend so much time to come back. I promise I didn’t get lost in my thoughts in front of wonders of the space”, the fact that he was so sorry for being late and late again. She understands him verry well. Take the beast below, she linked easily the behaviour of the Doctor with the one of the Space Whale and she’s been with him for only few hours. He was more destroyed losing Amy than leaving Clara.


So, yes, Twelve’s companion is Clara. But not only because she is (at that time) the only companion he ever had, but because their is very true complicity between the two of them. Yes, at the begginning, she was as Rose, but the difference is that her new Doctor was totally different from the previous one. So that’s why she had hard time linking with him. But put yourself in her shoes, how would you react if you see your best friend changing and becoming not only an old man but also with a totally different personnality? You’ve through so much together, you’ve learnt to know him, how he processes… and there he became totally someone else. Besides, he is as lost as you are. But she accepted and it didn’t took her too much time. They process the same way. Both feel really close to the other one and so don’t want him/her to feel bad because of her/him. That’s just what the whole hugging stuff is. Just when Danny is dead, she tells him she OK, happy with him. He in the same time lies to her about finding back Gallifrey. Both of them is ready to lose a lot to keep the other safe. That’s what happens in the and of series 9. Clara dies because it’s in her temperament to protect people (mostly from themselves (see”The Day of the Doctor”)) and the Docotr is totally wrecked up. And in order to meet her again, he punishes himself, he inflicts to himself so much pain. Instead of taking the short way, he sticks to his principles because he never derivated from them and if he wants to be the Doctor of his beloved Clara, he has to stick to them. But, despite all those principles about not messing up with Time, he made Clara come back to life. He would’ve risked everything in order to kee her alive because he knows that she is the most beautiful person in the univers, the kindest. The end of Twelve/Clara’s era is so tragic becaus he will never remenber her when she’s had the most important impact, influence on him in his post-Time War life. And Clara is destroyed because he would never remenber her, the man she loved so deeply, the man who’s been her mentor, the most important person in her life, will never have memories of this time. But she is happy that he is not the one who suffer from the same pain she’ll feel, because she knows he’s been through too much of that already. And he would’ve been glad if it would’ve been the reversed situation, for the same reasons as her.

Hope you didn’t find it too long…

Doctor Who Tribute/Hommage à Doctor Who

New Doctor Who 1

Two days ago, I wanted to represent what is New Doctor Who to me. So you can see some typical attribute to the various Doctors (minus the War Doctor). The tribute won’t have been complete without the catchphrase of all the Doctors. Could you say which is to whom?


Il y a deux jours, j’ai voulu représenter ce que New Doctor Who était pour moi. Donc vous pouvez voir un attribut typique de chacun des différents Doctors (avec le Doctor de Guerre -sic- en moins). Cet hommage n’aurait pas été complet sans la devise de tous ces Doctors. Pourrez-vous dire lesquels sont à qui?

A Doctor Who Tribute/Hommage à Doctor Who